The ultrasonic “MiniScanner” from Amsterdam Technology is an ultrasonic testing device which converts all recorded ultrasonic signals of a scan sequence into a so-called C-scan-image. By a two-dimensional colored representation, spot welds, for example, can be inspected swiftly for defects. For this purpose, the ultrasonic signal of each scan point (A-scan) is characterized by means of time apertures, which determine the inspection depth. The transducer, which moves within the scanning unit, enables a local high-resolution analysis of the inspected part to be carried out in a short time. Small parts can be analyzed in a water bath, while large parts can be inspected in sections using a gel-like coupling medium. (Source: Amsterdam Technology)
In the project (opens in new tab) , the scanner was used in order to do a fast analysis of the quality and quantity of metallurgical joints depending on the process parameters. investigation of the formation mechanisms of the bonding zone in impact welding
Technical data (Source: Amsterdam Technology)
- scanning surface: 12 mm x 25 mm
- resolution of the scan: 0.1 mm x 0.1 mm
- scan time: 4 s
- maximal testing temperature: 50°C