Having a single optical input, this camera system comprises an image splitter unit, four intensified CCD camera modules with fast switchable MCP image intensifiers and high resolution CCD image sensors. Each module with its 12 bit dynamic range features an excellent signal-to-noise-ratio and the ability of single photon detection.
Four high speed serial fiber optic data links connect the system to the computer. It can be triggered externally by light or electrical input. This system enables shutter speeds down to 3 ns, which allows sharp images even of very fast movements. (Source: PCO)
In combination with the narrow-band and the use of the appropriate optical bandpass filter, intense process glare (e.g. the arc of light of fusion welding processes) can be outshined in a very narrow wavelength range and thus is blanked out from the image. Pulsed Diode Laser Light Source CAVILUX SMART
Functional principle
The optical system distributes the image to each of the four channels of the camera. Each channel has its own image intensifier. This module works similar to a low-light amplifier: The light flux is first converted to an electron flux by the photoelectric effect. It is then amplified by the microchannel plate and finally lights a fluorescent screen. This screen is filmed by a CCD camera. (Source: PCO)
Fields of application
- hypervelocity impact studies
- ultrasonic flame propagation
- laser ablation
- sparks in electrical switches
- short time physics
- of investigation (opens in new tab) collision welding
Technical data
- four channels, cathode material: S-20
- wavelength of maximum sensitivity: 430 nm
- quantum efficiency at the wavelength of maximum sensitivity: 14 – 18%
- excellent sensitivity of the system allows single photon detection
- 12 bit dynamic range: 12 bit
- spatial resolution: 1280 x 1024 px
- fast shutter: 3 ns (corresponds extrapolated to about 300 million images per second)
- minimum temporal distance between two images: 1 ns
- maximum number of images in fast sequence: 8
- trigger: optical or electrical