PtU Team

Head of the Institute

Photo Name Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Peter Groche
Director of the Institute
+49 6151-16-23143
L1|01 148

Chief Engineers

Photo Name Contact
Felix Georgi M. Sc.
Chief Engineer
+49 6151-16-23141
L1|01 151
Nicola Jessen M. Sc.
Chief Engineer
+49 6151-16-23310
L1|01 151


Photo Name Contact
Isabella Dölfel
+49 6151-16-23143
L1|01 148
Sabine Passet
Assistance | Student Affairs
+49 6151-16-23180
L1|01 148

Accountancy | Administration

Photo Name Contact
Michaela Bode
+49 6151-16-23184
L1|01 144
Dipl.-Inf.-Wirt. Heidrun Felger
Accountancy | Administration
+49 6151-16-23184
L1|01 144
Stephanie Keller
+49 6151-16-23358
L1|01 144

Research Associates

Process Chains and Forming Units

Photo Name Contact
Benedikt Depta M. Sc.
Head of Department | Cooperation Management
+49 6151-16-23144
L1|01 152
Viktor Arne M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23359
L1|07 204
Robin Krämer M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23354
L1|01 142
Jonas Moske M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23355
L1|01 386
Markus Schumann M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23316
L1|01 134
Daniel Spies M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23104
L1|01 361
Sven Varchmin M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23314
L1|01 145
Ciarán Veitenheimer M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23354
L1|01 142

Profile Manufacturing Technology

Photo Name Contact
Johannes Kilz M. Sc.
Head of Department | Cooperation Management
+49 6151-16-23047
L1 | 01 153
Jonas Bart M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23307
L1|01 147
Johannes Hofmann M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23356
L1|01 121a
Franz-Josef Jaklin M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23307
L1|01 147
Raja Mazumder M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23356
L1|01 121a
Franziska Peukert M. Sc. (geb. Aign)
+49 6151-16-23186
L1|01 361
Christian Thoma M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23185
L1|01 385


Photo Name Contact
Philipp Schumann M. Sc.
Head of Department | Cooperation Management
+49 6151-16-23312
L1|01 153
Philipp Gehringer M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23104
L1|01 361
Florian Geister M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23148
L1|01 146
Christoph Kuhn M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23179
L1|01 383
Jonas Launhardt M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23354
L1|01 142
Christian Siedbürger M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23148
L1|01 146
Stefan Volz M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23178
L1|01 383

Functional and Composite Structures

Photo Name Contact
Cédric Brunk M. Sc.
Head of Department | Cooperation Management
+49 6151-16-23188
L1|01 152
Johannes Bruder M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23147
L1|01 121b
Stefan Kraus M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23147
L1|01 121b
Daniel Martin M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23359
L1|07 204
Nick Philippi M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23314
L1|01 145
Tim Schmitt M. Sc.
+49 6151-16-23316
L1|01 134

Excellence Program

Photo Name Contact
Simon Arnold B. Sc.
Eric Hahn B. Sc.
Christopher Immel B. Sc.
Janek Reisener B. Sc.
Robin Resseler B. Sc.
Tim Ulrich B. Sc.
Freya Wolfenstädter B. Sc.

Public Relations

Photo Name Contact
Heike Lunkenheimer Diplom-Designerin
Public Relations
+49 6151-16-23350
L1|01 381
Angelika Philipp Diplom-Designerin
Public Relations
+49 6151-16-23350
L1|01 381

IT Support

Photo Name Contact
Dana Böhm
IT-Systems Managerin
+49 6151-16-23351
L1|01 234
Roman Haaf
IT-Systems Manager
+49 6151-16-23351
L1|01 234

Mechanical Support

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Paul Boger
Test Field Engineer
+49 6151-16-23315
L1|07 29
Edwin Kirchner
Test Field Engineer
+49 6151-16-23315
L1|07 29

Technical Support

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Mirko Feick
Head of Mechanical Facility
+49 6151-16-23140
L1|06 Halle
Lukas Bechtel
Precision Mechanic
L1|06 Halle
Damian Klein
Precision Mechanic
L1|06 Halle
Achim Reinhold
Precision Mechanic
L1|06 Halle
Michelle Bergmann
Precision Mechanic
L1|06 Halle
Sven Müller
Precision Mechanic and Deputy Workshop Manager
L1|06 Halle
Grinding Department and Material Output
Jürgen Schmidt
L1|06 Halle
Material Store
Jonas Herdel
Precision Mechanic
L1|06 Halle
Andreas Mampel
Master Precision Mechanic
L1|06 Halle
Milo Fleck
L1|06 Halle