Excursion with the winners of the TdF practical insight
As part of the practical insight component of the lecture “Technology of Manufacturing Processes”, the Mainz-based company Römheld & Moelle Eisengießerei GmbH gave a group of 18 students an in-depth look at the casting of machine and plant components. The students had previously won the first three places in this year's practical insight competition with the topic “Constructive design of castings”.
In the late evening hours of Nov. 23, 2022, the students first received an overview of the company history and the basic processes of a foundry operation. This was followed by a guided tour of the plant premises. This began in the pattern-making area, where milling is used to create polystyrene patterns for embedding in the sand molds. This was followed by the highlight of the tour, where a furnace tapping and subsequent casting could be observed. The last part of the tour showed the area where the finishing of the almost finished castings, the so-called fettling, takes place.
We would like to thank Römheld & Moelle Eisengießerei GmbH for making this excursion possible. Special thanks go to Mr. Naas and Mr. Müller, who guided us through the factory with great expertise and, above all, enthusiasm.