Excursion within the lecture “Laser in Manufacturing” to TRUMPF GmbH in Ditzingen
As part of this year's Bachelor lecture “Lasers in Manufacturing”, an excursion to TRUMPF GmbH in Ditzingen took place on February 18th, 2020.
After a warm welcome and the introduction of the company by Dr. Berthold Schmidt, CTO TRUMPF Laser Technology, the students had the opportunity to get a deeper insight into the company. First, the area of customer product design was introduced. Here, various processes from the cleaning of surfaces using laser scanners to a fully automated cutting process on a 5-axis laser system could be observed. In addition, all participants were able to laser engrave an individual souvenir. In the second part of the tour, a further in-depth view of additive manufacturing was provided. The tour was concluded with an impressive demonstration of an industrial CO2 laser system and a modern bending machine. The visit finished with an exciting technical lecture on “Laser systems for EUV lithography”, which again demonstrated the complexity and fascination of state-of-the-art laser systems for the production of microchips.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank TRUMPF GmbH and especially the HR Students Team who made this visit possible. We hope that in the future we will continue to give students the opportunity to gain an insight into the company.