Practical insight at Römheld & Moelle


On January 15th, a group of 15 PtU students and employees took part in an exciting practical insight at the Römheld & Moelle Eisengießerei GmbH. The practical insight took place as part of the ‘Technology of Manufacturing Processes’ (TdF) lecture and provided a clear demonstration of the practical aspects of metal casting.

Many thanks to Jürgen Naas, who, as in previous years, provided an insight into mould making, full-mould casting and the post-processing of the cast parts. A particular highlight was the late-night casting and filling of the models. We would also like to thank the students, whose numerous questions repeatedly stimulated exciting discussions and thus contributed to an inspiring and enriching exchange.

The PtU would like to thank everyone for the exciting and very informative evening and looks forward to further collaboration!