PtU at the International Cold Forging Group
Stefan Volz and Jonas Launhardt had the honour of attending the Plenary Meeting of the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) in Ankara. The ICFG is an international association of companies and universities active in the field of cold forging.
The meeting took place in Ankara and provided a platform for the exchange of expertise and research results in the field of cold forging.
It was particularly pleasing that Stefan Volz and Jonas Launhardt were able to present the results of the last 2 years of research by the Lubrication subgroup under the leadership of Prof. Groche. These results were recently published in the CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology 2023, vol. 71 in the article “International round robin test of environmentally benign lubricants for cold forging”, Volz et al. In this international round robin test, 13 zinc phosphate-free lubricant systems from 7 manufacturers from Japan and Germany were compared with each other in a total of 6 different tribometers in France, Germany, Japan Denmark and China and friction values were measured. The aim of the subgroup is to contribute to the decarbonisation of cold forging through research on zinc phosphate-free lubricant systems.
You can find out more about the ICFG on the official homepage:
We are proud to be part of this international network and look forward to future cooperation and developments in the field of cold forging.