ProKI-Network: Artificial Intelligence in Forming Technologies
Since the beginning of October, the TU Darmstadt has been part of the nationwide ProKI-network funded by the . With its focus on forming technologies, the PtU will offer various event formats for the research transfer of AI-applications in industry. The aim is to show the potentials and chances for improvement of important key performance indicators such as productivity, availability, reject rate, and demand for energy with the help of artificial intelligence and to find solutions through expert discussions, workshops, and joint projects. On this matter we are supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, especially in the fields of human-machine cooperation, assistance systems, and people-centered AI. In the technological context of the network, we will be working closely with the institutes of the TU Dresden. Further information about the project as well as the first series of events for interested parties from the industry will follow shortly on our homepage and on PTW. LinkedIn