PtU spin-off core sensing wins HERMES Startup AWARD
Already since 2013, PtU has been involved in research on sensor integration in hollow structures. In 2019, the PtU founded the startup core sensing GmbH, which teaches components to feel with integrated force and torque sensors.
With the HERMES Startup AWARD, the jury chaired by Prof. Dr. Reimund Neugebauer, President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, is honoring a young company for the development of an outstanding product for the second time. The company core sensing from Darmstadt receives the coveted prize in the category Startup.
The company is being honored for its coreIN project. This is a robust and reliable force and torque sensor that records and transmits data directly and wirelessly from a rotating component. This enables integration into various machine elements and components. The product enables continuous monitoring of components, can prevent failures and reduce maintenance.
Every year, Deutsche Messe presents the HERMES Startup AWARD to a company that is no more than five years old and whose product or solution demonstrates a particularly high degree of technological innovation. This year, the prize was awarded as part of the HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition.