Final colloquium Priority Program 1640 – Joining by Plastic Deformation
On June 5th and 6th, 2019, the Institute of Production Engineering and Forming Machines (PtU) of the Technical University of Darmstadt hosted the final colloquium of the Priority Program (SPP) 1640 – Joining by Plastic Deformation.
Research Foundation (DFG) and industry representatives. In addition, during the evening event and between sessions it was possible to discuss the findings at posters and demonstrators.
The SPP 1640 was initiated in 2012 with the overall aim of closing the gaps in knowledge regarding the joining mechanisms of the individual processes, which are based on the plastic deformation of at least one joining partner. Thus, the composite properties could be predictably adjusted and suitable test methods were developed. As a result, a large number of different processes such as friction stir welding, roll cladding or clinching reached a technological readiness level that provides design principles for new component joints and products with increased value by hybrid construction methods. Now that the priority program has been completed, these can be transferred to industrial applications.
The PtU as coordinator would like to thank the DFG for its funding and all the research units in the subprojects for their successful cooperation.