International Tutorial at PtU


Students of TU Darmstadt collaborate with students of the University of New Hampshire

Within the joint research project »Next Generation of Deep Drawing Using Smart Observers, Closed-Loop Control, and a 3D-Servo-Press« between the Technische Universität Darmstadt and the University of New Hampshire, students of both universities cooperated to work on a problem set from this project. Students from TU Darmstadt were particularly pleased by the international cooperation, as well as that, the topic was set in current research. Likewise, the students from the University of New Hampshire appreciated this newly established partnership.

During this two-week course, the students first learned the theoretical basics and were afterwards introduced to a commercial finite element analysis software package. The students then used their newly acquired skills to numerically analyze a novel deep drawing tool, which had been designed at PtU. In order to complete the task efficiently, the students organized video conferences to share their findings with the participants at the other university and coordinate the next work packages. Besides the technical training, the students were therefore also able to gather first-hand experience in the work with an international team, in which challenges like time differences, as well as a language barrier, were successfully overcome.

Students interested in joining the class can find further details on the website of the metal forming tutorial .